It's never to late to join us for our 40 Day Devotional: "Fear, Not Faith." You can read
previous entries at your own pace.
Here are links to what we've covered thus far:
8. To Everything There Is A Season
10. Love Never Fails
"Helmet of Salvation"--from The Bible, Ephesians 6:17. --a spiritual helmet to protect the mind.
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Here are links to what we've covered thus far:
8. To Everything There Is A Season
10. Love Never Fails
Great radio message from Dr. Charles Stanley 2day re: Making the Most of Your Prayer Life-U can listen online @: http://bit.ly/a6oEcI
After listening to his message, I realize I need to make a greater effort to keep a prayer journal.
You can download a free prayer journal at my ministry site:
To view more free stuff from my site: http://biblestudycafe.com/