Sunday, July 27, 2008

Vanessa Davis Grigss Interview now available

Be sure to listen to my interview with Christian author, Vanessa Davis Griggs at:

I had a great time speaking with Vanessa about her latest novel, Strongholds and just simply listening to her wonderful answers to listener questions.

Be sure to also visit Vanessa's really cool Web site: this wonderful Christian author--buy her books! : )

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Vanessa Davis Grigss Interview: July 23, 8pm, ET

Be sure to listen live to my interview with Christian author, Vanessa Davis Griggs, on Wed., July 23, 2008 at 8pm Eastern time at:

Vanessa will discuss her latest novel, Strongholds and take listener calls at 1-646-200-3542.

Be sure to tune in and be sure to visit Vanessa's really cool Web site: this wonderful Christian author--buy her books! : )

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Kimberly Cash Tate, author, Heavenly Places

I recently interviewed Kimberly Cash Tate, author of the wonderful novel, Heavenly Places

I had a great time speaking with Kimberly and
you can listen or download the interview at:

You can purchase Heavenly Places at or place an order at your favorite bookstore.

Be sure to check out Kimberly's site:
and her blog:

I also encourage you to visit the online book promotion folks who booked Kimberly on my show

A special thanks to my Sister in Christ, Marlive Harris from for reaching out to me for this interview.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Thursday, May 01, 2008

New Interviews: Dawn Fitch and Sherryle Jackson


I just recorded two new interviews, which are now
available at:

Here's some brief info about the interviews:

Author Dawn Fitch discusses her book, Moving Through Opened Doors and her bath and body company, Pooka, Inc. Be sure to visit Dawn's site at:


Author Sherryle K. Jackson discusses her book, Soon and Very Soon.

Be sure to listen to all of the authors I've interviewed at:

All of the books discussed on my talk show would make for wonderful Mother's Day
books. So, order today to receive your books in time for Mother's Day, which
is Sunday, May 11, 2008.

I also ask that you check out my new book, Every Day Is Mother's Day, at

Have a blessed day by reading the Bible.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

April 27--Internet Evangelism Day

Hello friends,

I wanted to post the info below much earlier, but became bogged down with both illness, followed by a busy schedule as I was behind on projects.

Well, better late than never! : )

Below is an excerpt from a press release about Internet Evangelism Day. I hope you will support this bold, worthy effort:

Sunday, April 27, has been designated as Internet Evangelism Day. Churches can download free materials from the Internet Evangelism Day website. These materials make it easy for churches to create a short presentation about online outreach on or near that Sunday. A PowerPoint, video clip testimonies, drama scripts, music and handouts can be used to create their own customized program lasting from one minute to 50.

The people behind Internet Evangelism Day also provide year-round resources about online outreach. The ministry explains many ways that Christians can share the good news, including through church websites. Churches often find it difficult to create a site that will engage with outsiders in their area, and find themselves asking, "How can our church website help us reach out into our community?"

A new online tool released by IE Day provides churches with a free 15-page evaluation report. Users assess their own website by answering 55 simple questions. Their customized report is immediately displayed online, ready to print or save. The report's recommendations are tailored with specific practical suggestions, based on the questions that were ticked. View the evaluation tool here:

For more information, please visit:

Contact: Tony Whittaker, Coordinator, Internet Evangelism Day
Tel: +44-1283-702334 (GMT office hours)

IE Day is an initiative of the Internet Evangelism Coalition, a group of online ministries, at Billy Graham Center, Wheaton. It is completely free with NO fund-raising component.

Have a blessed day by reading your Bible and sharing your love of Jesus with others!

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

When you have time, please listen to my new Internet talk show at

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Interview with Author, Wanda L. Childs

You are cordially invited to listen to my interview with author/Entrepreneur/Speaker, Wanda L. Childs.

Ms. Childs discussed her book,

Pushed Into My Purpose. Wanda's book offers her powerful testimony of moving from fear to victory.

Ms. Childs also runs three companies:

For her book:

The Blessed 27:7 Gift Shop:

A Printing Company:

You can contact Wanda Childs via email at,
and by phone at 1-800-956-7027.

My other interviews are available at:

Have a blessed day by telling someone about what Jesus has done for you.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Author, Lisa McGhee Smith

I hope you'll tune-in to my new Internet
talk show called, "Write On, Right On, Write On!"

My very first guest was fellow Christian author
and friend, Lisa McGhee Smith.

Lisa discussed her new book of beautiful,
moving poetry,"Thoughts Of a Daydreamer" now
available for sale online at:
or you can email Lisa at
for orders.

You can listen to the show at:

The foreword to Lisa's powerful book was written
by Dr. Dorothy I. Height, Chair/President Emerita,
National Council of Negro Women, who wrote in part,
"Lisa McGhee Smith is visionary."

I was blessed to have Lisa as my guest and hope you'll take a listen to the show.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Monday, March 31, 2008

New Bible Study Talk Show!

Hello friends!

The Holy Spirit has me busy at work on a new Internet talk show I'll host each week about Bible study resources at

I hope you'll be able to tune into my live talk show online and even call-in to the show!

The free number to call-in is: (347) 945-7963

The show airs live on the following dates this month:

--Tuesday, April 8: 11:30AM (Eastern Time)
--Tuesday, April 15: 11:00AM (Eastern Time)
--Tuesday, April 22: 11:00AM (Eastern Time)

If you can't listen live, no problemo as the show will be recorded and be made available for listeners at any time.

Given that I'll be hosting the weekly BibleStudyCafe talk show, (which is basically an audio blog), this written blog will no longer be written daily.

Instead, this blog will provide info and resources in support of the weekly talk show.

I'm excited about this blessing, to be able to spread the Good News, to the uttermost parts of the earth, via the Internet.

I hope you'll listen!

Have a blessed day by telling someone about Jesus!

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Steven Kendall's New Talk Show

I haven't blogged in recent days as I've been busy preparing
an Internet talk show that I will host on

This is real short notice, but...
You are cordially invited to listen to my new Internet talk show,
called "Write On, Right On, Write On!" on

The program will be about writing and self-publishing tips.

This Saturday at 6pm ET, I will do a 15 min. practice run of my
show so that I can get a feel for the technology. I'm pretty tired
from composing, recording and uploading my theme music--wait
'til you hear it! A warning in advance...I will need piano lessons soon. : )

You can call-in during my show to speak to me live at:
(646) 200-3542.

Hope you can listen tonight!

If not, no problemo, the show will be recorded and
available online for free.

I hope to do a weekly
show soon, so you'll have an opportunity to hear
me run my mouth in the near future. : )

If you'd like to be a guest on a future show, please
contact me.

God bless,

Steve Kendall

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Spreading the Gospel by Blogging

In Acts 1:8, Jesus told his disciples and us, that when we accept Him, the Holy Spirit will help us to witness to others: "... you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." The Internet makes it possible to witness for Christ to the uttermost parts of the earth.

I encourage Christians to use the Internet to spread the Gospel. Blogging, short for "Web log," is a great way to do this. Blogging basically involves writing short, diary-type entries on any topic, that one shares with the entire world. If you allow ads on your blog, you can earn money as well. Google has a great service that I use, called, which permits one to create a free blog and restrict ads to specific topics, such as Christianity.

Last year, the U.S. morning news program, Good Morning America, did a really good story on how one can use a blog to spread a message and earn money.

I currently have three blogs, the one you're currently reading, as well as a blog about the writing process and self-publishing tips, called Write On, Right On, Write On!, and, a blog where provide daily Bible study and Christian resources.

Have a blessed day, by spreading the Good News about Jesus!

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Friday, March 21, 2008

Resurrection Sunday, Not Easter

A few years ago, the pastor of my church, Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, Senior Pastor of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, began to stress the phrase Resurrection Sunday, instead Easter Sunday, which I agree is a good idea, given the pagan origins of Easter.

The Web site, does a good job of discussing the resurrection of Christ.

There are a number of great online sermons about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Here are several that I recommend (look for the week of March 17, 2008):

Enduring Truth with Pastor Paul Sheppard

In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley

Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram

Have a blessed weekend by learning more about Christ and His resurrection.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Maundy Thursday ( Book: The Last Week

Hello everyone,

I thought I'd take the week off from blogging, but given that this is Holy Week-- as observed by Christians who observe the week leading up to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ--I was compelled to use this week as a teachable moment and a witnessing opportunity. has a nice breakdown of this week day by day.

I'm reading an interesting book called The Last Week: A Day-by-Day Account of Jesus's Final Week in Jerusalem by Marcus J. Borg and John Dominic Crossan.

Today, I want to discuss Maundy Thursday. Never heard of Maundy Thursday before, or don't quite remember what it is? Check out as the site does a good job of providing both the definition and historical background of Maundy Thursday.

Be blessed by telling someone about Maundy Thursday!

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Monday, March 17, 2008

Vacation Week for Steve Kendall's Blog

Hello everyone,

I'm taking a break this week from the blog and spending some vacation time
with my family.

If time permits this week, I will post new audio clips from my recent radio
appearances on my page.

Have a blessed life by learning more about Jesus!

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Monday, March 03, 2008

This Week’s Topic about Writing: Self-Publishing

Today, I'm scheduled to be one of the guests on Marsha Sumner's show, Crosstalk Urban Style on Heaven 1580 AM radio, Monday, March 3 at 11am Eastern Standard Time (EST). The topic will be "Self-Publishing."

If you live in the DC region, you can listen on the AM radio dial at 1580. If you live outside the DC area, or want to use the Internet, please go to Please read my blog dated March 3, 2008 at as I provide details about today’s interview.

Given that I self-publish all of my books, I’m often asked about self-publishing by aspiring authors and authors who have used other means to publish their work.

Here are a few tips I have to offer on this subject (this is just my advice, and if you follow it, it is not guaranteed to work for you.)…

1. Pray: Pray before you venture into publishing your work. I also pray everyday before beginning a writing session.

2. Learn about various forms of Publishing: Become familiar with the various types of publishing, such as traditional, vanity, subsidy and self-publishing, and decide what’s best for you.

A resource I used to learn the definitions of different types of publishing is located on the Web site of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America:

Their site does a good job of defining self-publishing and other forms of publishing, along with the pros and cons of each.

I will discuss these definitions and a whole lot more about self-publishing, but you’ll have to listen to Marsha Sumner's show, Crosstalk Urban Style on Heaven 1580 AM radio, today, March 3 at 11am Eastern Standard Time (EST). You can listen online at

For those of you who cannot listen to the show, don’t worry, I’ll post more info about the subject in the days ahead.

Hope you can tune in today!

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Young Female Witness 4 Christ: Jamia Simone Nash

On Friday, Feb. 22, 2008, talk show host Tavis Smiley interviewed 11 year old Jamia Simone Nash on his PBS program, The Tavis Smiley Show.

I was extremely impressed with this 11 year old young lady as she discussed her Oscar nominated song, Raise It Up, from the film August Rush.

When host Tavis Smiley asked if she was nervous or scared about performing on the Oscar telecast, Ms. Nash replied, "Well, no, I'm not scared and tense and, yes, I am ready for Sunday. I'm excited. I'm very excited, but God's gonna work through me."

When Tavis asked, "So what does it feel like being your age and having this wonderful nomination and being a part of something this big?"

Young Jamia Nash told him, "Well, it feels great because it's all God's work. We give God all the glory 'cause this wouldn't have happened if He didn't work in our lives and get me where I am now, so I'm very excited and I'm just ready and I can't wait to hear, "They won!" If we do, well, I know we are. In Jesus' name, I do."

What a powerful testimony this young lady gave on television!

You can see video from her performance at the recent Academy Awards on
and listen to audio of her interview with Tavis Smiley and read the transcript.

Video of Ms. Nash from various other shows can also been found on YouTube:
Fox TV Broadcast

2005 Showtime at the Apollo

Monday, January 21, 2008

Dr. King: The Most Segregated Hour-- Sunday, 11 A.M.

In honor of the U.S. observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday, I want to call attention to something Dr. King said after a 1963 speech at Western Michigan University: During a question and answer session with the University President, Miller, Dr. King was asked, "Don't you feel that integration can only be started and realized in the Christian church...?"

Dr. King's response in part was,

"We must face the fact that in America, the church is still the most segregated major institution in America. At 11:00 on Sunday morning when we stand and sing and Christ has no east or west, we stand at the most segregated hour in this nation. This is tragic. Nobody of honesty can overlook this."
I believe Dr. King's statement rings true over 40 years later.

I was reminded of this fact while watching a story ABC News ran on Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008, about a small, predominently Black church, Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Coshocton, Ohio, that decided to close its doors at once a month or so and visit a majority white church.

I applaud ABC News for doing a story on this topic and I especially praise Pastor Cliff Biggers and his flock at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church for leading the way with this effort.

Rev. Biggers is calling for a nationwide effort for at least 1,000 churches to visit each other on June 29, 2008.

You can view this ABC News story at:

A story about Rev. Biggers and Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church can
also be found online with the

There are a vast number of sites where you can read more about Dr. King. I like
the biographical sketch and timeline of Dr. King's life posted by the Louisiana State University Library. is also a good site to visit for more information on ways one can honor Dr. King's legacy.

Be blessed day by learning more about Dr. King and telling others about Jesus.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Kendall

Friday, January 04, 2008

Congrats to Huckabee and Obama

I was happy to see that both Mike Huckabee and Barack Obama won their respective Republican and Democratic Iowa Caucuses on Thursday, Jan. 3, 2008.

I like them both as they are professed Christians.

E.J. Dionne, Jr., wrote a great article in the Washington Post about Obama's faith. Obama
gave a speech about his faith that you can read on his Senate site.

Huckabee, being a former Baptist preacher, is close to my heart as I'm a baptist and love what he once said about the fact that he's pastored people of all walks of life. To paraphrase, he knows the problems of a variety of people and can relate as he's pastored these folks for over a decade.

I also like the fact that Huckabee is honest when he makes a mistake and admits it. I would never vote for Mitt Romney, for reasons I've detailed in earlier blog entries at this location and my BibleStudyCafe blog.

A number of fiscal conservatives don't like him as he wants to totally eliminate the IRS in favor of a basic Fair Tax (consumption/sales tax only on things we buy). I have to read more about his idea on taxes as I don't fully understand his position.

I've never voted for a Republican for President, but would be willing to vote for
Huckabee, if...Obama is not the nominee of the Democrats.

If John Edwards is the nominee, I would consider voting for him, but I not Hillary Clinton as I question her motives for being President. I don't see a sincere desire on her part to be President. It seems more like a selfish career move with Mrs. Clinton, instead of a real passion for wanting to make a difference, like her husband. I like her as a person, but not as my President.

Thanks for reading my blog!

Be blessed by telling someone about Jesus today!

Your Brother in Christ,

Steve Kendall