I encourage Christians to use the Internet to spread the Gospel. Blogging, short for "Web log," is a great way to do this. Blogging basically involves writing short, diary-type entries on any topic, that one shares with the entire world. If you allow ads on your blog, you can earn money as well. Google has a great service that I use, called Blogger.com, which permits one to create a free blog and restrict ads to specific topics, such as Christianity.
Last year, the U.S. morning news program, Good Morning America, did a really good story on how one can use a blog to spread a message and earn money.
I currently have three blogs, the one you're currently reading, as well as a blog about the writing process and self-publishing tips, called Write On, Right On, Write On!, and BibleStudycafe.com, a blog where provide daily Bible study and Christian resources.
Have a blessed day, by spreading the Good News about Jesus!
Your Brother in Christ,