Saturday, March 29, 2008

Steven Kendall's New Talk Show

I haven't blogged in recent days as I've been busy preparing
an Internet talk show that I will host on

This is real short notice, but...
You are cordially invited to listen to my new Internet talk show,
called "Write On, Right On, Write On!" on

The program will be about writing and self-publishing tips.

This Saturday at 6pm ET, I will do a 15 min. practice run of my
show so that I can get a feel for the technology. I'm pretty tired
from composing, recording and uploading my theme music--wait
'til you hear it! A warning in advance...I will need piano lessons soon. : )

You can call-in during my show to speak to me live at:
(646) 200-3542.

Hope you can listen tonight!

If not, no problemo, the show will be recorded and
available online for free.

I hope to do a weekly
show soon, so you'll have an opportunity to hear
me run my mouth in the near future. : )

If you'd like to be a guest on a future show, please
contact me.

God bless,

Steve Kendall