When Voting, Lean Not Unto Your Own UnderstandingBefore you vote...
1. Pray for wisdom and understanding when voting.
2. Do your own research about issues and candidates.
3. Make decisions in consultation with God, not based on what a TV commercial, or talk show tells you
Countdown to Election Day-------------------------
With less than 30 days left before Election Day on November 2, I think more and more about voter anger as shown on television.
When I see people express their anger about the current state of our government and the economy as a whole, I always wonder if they prayed before expressing an opinion.
We live in such a microwave society. We want change for the better quickly. We want God to solve our problems quickly. We want God to be “on-call” like an emergency room doctor, to be nearby when we need Him to save us from a crisis, but we have no relationship with Him when things are going well.
We lack patience and make decisions, often without first consulting the Lord in prayer.
When we lean on our own understanding, instead of trusting God with all our heart, we may make decisions that have long lasting, bad consequences.
Voters have a history of rushing into decisions and suffering for years afterward. For example, in the late 1970s, California voters passed a measure to cut property taxes. This property tax cut, many argue, led to budget problems and the increase of other taxes, which haunt California to this day.
TV commercials and many political talk show hosts, on cable TV and radio, craft a message to persuade you to their point of view.
Talk show hosts today often prey on our fears and anger. Why? So that they will become, or stay popular, increase their ratings, leading to more money for their network and for thus, for themselves.
We know that politicians will often say, and do anything to get our vote. They may offer things, like tax cuts, without fully explaining the long-term consequences.
Sin often operates in this fashion. Sometimes we cry out to the Lord and ask, “Why me?” when problems linger, without first asking ourselves, “Are my problems the consequences of my sins?”
You may be a follower of Christ, but if you have overdue bills because you used your credit cards for things you didn’t need, the bill collector probably will not wipe away and forget your sins as the Lord does.
Even when things happen to us financially that are beyond our control, the Lord is still there for us. He’s there to comfort and guide us during these low, tough valley experiences.