I caught up today with online sermons from Thanksgiving Day.
Several that I enjoyed included, my boy (a term of respect and affection), Pastor Paul Sheppard. Pastor Paul has a two part message on the topic of "Praise Your Way Through" about learning how to praise God even in dark and difficult times (based on the experience of Paul and Silas - Acts 16:16-36)
"You want to feed your faith and starve your doubts. What we feed grows. We only have to look in the mirror to confirm that," joked Pastor Paul. Sheppard emphasized that we grow in our relationship with God, through His Son, Jesus Christ by both hearing the Word of God proclaimed and by reading it. He also quoted the apostle Paul's letter to the Romans. chapter 10: 17, "Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ."
A quote of Pastor Paul's that stuck with me and tied in nicely with Thanksgiving,"
You can't fly with eagles, when you're hanging out with turkeys! Sheppard talked about discovering God's will for ourselves and one of the ways he mentioned is to be with like minded, faithful believers in Christ as they may see what God wants you to do in life.
Truths That Transform - the ministry of the late, Dr. D. James Kennedy 1930-2007 had a good, two part message entitled, "The Life-Changing Power of Thankfulness." The series aired on Thursday, Nov. 22 and Friday, Nov. 23, 2007, and is an older sermon of Dr. Kennedy's, who died recently in August of 2007, but like many preachers with an archive of sermons, his messages still live on via the airwaves and Internet.
The description of Dr. Kennedy's Thanksgiving message is, "Do you know what the best cure for stress is? It's not a news flash, but more a lost treasure for many people today. It is when we pray with thankfulness to God, which takes away our feelings of anxiety! Gratitude...builds a healthy lifestyle! Who knew? Learn what else it does, on Truths That Transform with Dr. D. James Kennedy."
Have a blessed day and may you fly like an eagle when it comes to
doing God's will for your life.
Your Brother in Christ,
Steve Kendall