Monday, December 03, 2007

Sean Taylor's Funeral

I watched the televised funeral of slain Redskins football player, Sean Taylor today.

I was moved by the tributes and cried when I received an email from my wife during the telecast telling me about her good health report from a doctor's visit this morning. I emailed her that I love her, which I try to do every day.

Washington Redskins coach, Joe Gibbs, whom I'm proud of as he's never shied away from professing his Christian faith, was a bold witness at the funeral service as he asked those in the audience who wanted a relationship with God through Jesus Christ to pray the sinner's prayer with him.

The pastor of my church, Dr. Lucius Dalton, recites a form of this prayer each week and I offer it now for anyone who wishes to pray it:

"God’s desire is that everyone be saved.
Salvation means eternal life as well as
some blessings and privileges here on earth.
It does not matter what we have done in our lives.
God through Jesus Christ wants to forgive us of our wrongs.

Jesus Christ died for our sins and He was resurrected so that we might receive
eternal life.
Salvation is granted to those who confess with their mouths that
Jesus is Lord and believes that God raised Jesus from death.
Jesus is Lord means that Jesus Christ is above anything else in your life.
To believe means that you do not doubt the fact that God has and used His power to raise Jesus to life after he had been dead three days.

If you want salvation today, please pray this prayer.
If you believe in your heart what you confess with you mouth, you will be on your journey towards salvation.

'Heavenly Father, I am a sinner.
I have sinned against You. I want forgiveness
for all my sins. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for me and rose
Father, I accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of my life.
I give You my life to do with as you wish.
I want Jesus Christ to come into my heart.
This I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen!'

Praise the Lord!
If you prayed this prayer, you will be saved. Now it is time to
join a church where you can grow and mature in Christ."

If you've read this blog entry and/or prayed this prayer and wish to discuss it with
me further, please feel free to contact me at:

Have a blessed day and tell somebody you love them.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steve Kendall