Friday, February 11, 2011

Marquita Lister's interview is a Blessing

I recently heard a wonderful interview conducted by MetroConnection
with opera star, Marquita Lister.
(Click Here to Listen | Click Here to Read the Transcript)

Although I heard Ms. Lister via the radio, her beautiful soul
just radiated throughout. When you see the picture on her
Web site, it confirms her outer beauty as well.

In the interview, she gave a powerful testimony of how
she is overcoming a rare disease that I am also blessed to
have, called "Polymyositis." I've written in the past how
this muscle disorder has blessed me and just listening
to Marquita, I'm sure she's already blessed others by
showing how God can work in one's life to overcome

Be sure to support this wonderful soprano. Buy
her music and donate to her the scholarship she
supports. I plan to do both:
Her Recordings:

Her Cause: Negro Spiritual Scholarship Foundation